Contemplative Support - Recommended Reading
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Western Culture and Meditation
- Selected Writings in Psychology, Consciousness, and Spirituality
Abram, David, The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World
Almaas, A. H. Diamond Heart Series and Diamond Mind Series.
Almaas, A. H. The Pearl Beyond Price: Integration of Personality into Being, an Object Relations Approach.
Aronson, Harvey B. Buddhist Practice on Western Ground : Reconciling Eastern Ideals and Western Psychology.
Bennett-Goleman, Tara. Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind Can Heal the Heart.
Brach, Tara. Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha.
DeCharms, Christopher. Two Views of Mind: Abhidharma & Brain Science.
Epstein, Mark. Going to Pieces without Falling Apart.
Epstein, Mark. Open to Desire: The Truth About What the Buddha Taught.
Epstein, Mark.The Psychodynamics of Meditation: Pitfalls on the Spiritual Path. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology.
Epstein, Mark. Thoughts Without A Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective
Gendlin, Eugene T. Focusing, rev. ed.
Goleman, Daniel. Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama.
Hooks, Bell. All About Love: New Visions.
Katie, Byron. Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.
Nelson, John E.Healing the Split: Integrating Spirit into Our Understanding of the Mentally Ill.
Olendzki, Andrew. Buddhist Psychology, Encountering Buddhism: Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings. Edited by Seth Robert Segall. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY. 2003. pp. 9-30.
Ouspensky, P. D. The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution.
Podvoll, Edward M. Recovering Sanity: A Compassionate Approach to Understanding and Treating Pyschosis.
Santorelli, Saki. Heal Thyself: Lessons on Mindfulness in Medicine.
Segall, Seth RobertEncountering Buddhism: Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings
Segal, Zindel V., J. Mark G. Williams, and John D. Teasdale. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A New Approach to Preventing Relapse.
Segall, Seth RobertEncountering Buddhism: Western Psychology and Buddhist Teachings
Tolle, Eckhart. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.
Walsh, Roger. Staying Alive.
Walsh, Roger, and Frances Vaughan. ?The Art of Transcendence: An Introduction to Common Elements of Transpersonal Practices.? The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology.
Watts, Alan. The Wisdom of Insecurity.
Welwood, John, ed. Awakening the Heart.
Welwood, John. Journey of the Heart: Path of Conscious Love, The.
Wilber, Ken, Jack Engler, and Daniel P. Brown. Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development.
Zajonc, Arthur, ed. The New Physics and Cosmology Dialogues with the Dalai Lama.
- Recovery
Ash, Mel. The Zen of Recovery.
Dodes, Lance. The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors.
May, Gerald G. Addiction & Grace.
May, Gerald G. The Awakened Heart: Opening Yourself to the Love You Need.
Nemeck, Francis Kelly, OMI, and Marie Theresa Coombs, Hermit. O Blessed Night!: Recovering from Addiction, Codependency, and Attachment Based on the Insights of St. John of the Cross and Pierre Teilhard De Char.
- Art and Creativity
Arnheim, Rudolf. Visual Thinking.
Bayles, David, and Ted Orland. Art & Fear.
Cameron, Julie, with Mark Bryan. Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.
Franck, Frederick. Zen Seeing, Zen Drawing: Meditation in Action.
Fritz, Robert. Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life.
Fritz, Robert. Your Life As Art.
Light, Alan. The Holy or the Broken: Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, and the Unlikely Ascent of "Hallelujah"
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